Yesterday CAFOD, the Catholic Agency For Overseas Development, blessed us with a visit. They led a discussion with year 9 students on the topic of ‘Climate Change- climate change destroys God’s precious gift to us-creation’. Inspired by the teachings of Pope Benedict and Pope Francis, we know that responding to the climate crisis requires working together-as families, parishes and countries.
So what can we do?
- Reduce your meat consumption
- Could you grow a vegetable garden or wildlife garden?
- Instead or getting to school in a car, could you go by bus, bicycle or walk?
- Heating – could you turn the thermostat down?
- Can you consume less electricity? Turn the lights off, turn plugs off at the mains
- Do you recycle at home and school- plastic, paper, plastic, crisp packets etc?
- Could you write to your M.P? Let them know what you are doing to revive our common home
I am sure that there are many more ways you can think of to reduce our negative impact on Earth.
The poorest countries are the ones most affected by global warming, but are creating the least waste and greenhouse gases!
“ … how inseparable the bond is between concern for nature, justice for the poor, commitment to society and interior peace,” Pope Francis, Laudato Si’ #10
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