Six GCSE PE students were given the opportunity to be assessed in Canoeing as part of their practical portfolio. The first part of their assessment took place at the Wildside Activity Centre during last half term, where they spent the day with their instructor, Nick Goodall. They learnt the basics of canoeing and successfully gained the British Canoe Union One Star Award.
The morning of the second day was spent on the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal recapping on the skills learnt. After a very quick lunch, the students canoed on the River Penk, overcoming the different challenges a river demands. The weather was certainly challenging on day two and all six students did well to complete the day, with smiles still on their faces. Well done to Nathan Evans, Joe Hobday Marriott, Joshua Jomy, Dan Mason, Stefan Orjally and Sim Sumen.
Miss Buckle would also like thank Nick, for being the instructor and to Mr Playford for helping out on both days.
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