We are now in the season of Lent. Lent is an opportunity for us to examine our conscious, pray more, acknowledge what we have, be thankful and be generous. In order for us to grow closer to the Lord, build up our relationship and discover anew the joy of a deeper conversion of the heart.
Our PRAYER is a sign of our hunger and thirst for God
Our FASTING is a sign of sorrow for our sin and an openness to conversion and turning back to God
Our ALMSGIVING is a sign of our gratitude, for we have received mercy, and through generous giving show mercy.
Here at St Edmund’s the students have an opportunity to enter into this Holy Season in many ways. Here are few examples;-
1. through prayer-
• all this week the 6 formers have been creating a prayer chain all Year 7 Tutor Groups
• some classes will have an opportunity to follow the ‘stations of the cross’ or spend time in the Chapel to share prayers
• every Thursday the school can attend Lightfever, for prayers in the Chapel
• every t.v. screen showing a daily extract from the Walk with me booklet
2. through Fasting
• on Friday’s there will be no meat served in the canteen
• the students will listen to an assembly on Lent and be encouraged either to give something up for lent or give something back
• the staff will become Guardian Angels and participate in acts of random kindness
3. through Almsgiving
• During the weeks leading up to Easter, each year group has been given their own week, to have the opportunity to raise funds for our 3 nominated charities: a local, national and an International one
We wish you all blessed journey through Lent as we hunger to become closer to our Lord
‘Lord, teach me to resist the temptation to doubt your love. Renew within me a sure and solid grasp of your loving plan for my life. May I grasp, in deeper measure, the depth of your love so I can walk with you day-by-day, knowing your peace in my heart. Amen.’
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