Lightfever is a time for students and staff to come into the Academy Chapel and take time out to light a candle, say a prayer and spend a few minutes with our Lord.

The Chapel is filled with as many candles as possible to give a relaxed and peaceful setting whilst instrumental music is played in the background.

Lightfever takes place the last Thursday of every month and the whole of the school community are welcome to attend.

Lewis Sprinthorpe from Year 7 came for the first time in September and, following Ā his Lightfever experience, sent Mrs Ferris this email:

Why I recommend LIGHTFEVER

By: Lewis Springthorpe, Year 7

Lightfever is all I needed to de-stress over lunchtime. De-stress from all the hustle, bustle and lessons, and chill.

I spent a few minutes in the chapel, lit a candle and prayed.

The music, the candles flickering and swaying, it was all I needed to unwind and be with the Lord.

Being on the last Thursday of each month means it isnā€™t often, but when itā€™s going on, itā€™s refreshing, for sure.

After spending time with the Lord in the Chapel with the candles and music, you leave and are given a sweet, after spending time in the Chapel.

No matter what religion you are, I recommend Lightfever as the candles and music are calming, letting you say prayers from your own religion.

I plan to come back to Lightfever every last Thursday of the month and I hope this will make you have a visit too.


For more information contact Debbie FerrisĀ our Lay Chaplain.