St Edmund’s Sixth Form students are required to dress smartly, as would be expected of a professional work environment.  As role models to our younger students and the community, we ask our sixth formers to use good sense in choosing their working wardrobe, whilst acknowledging that certain freedoms in self-expression are acceptable in the adult world of work.


Please come to the sixth form office to order your polo shirt/ sweatshirt (worn with trousers/ skirt and shoes – payments via parent pay)

  • A tailored suit (Trouser /Skirt/ Dress as applicable)
  • Tailored jacket – must be worn by all sixth formers
  • Shirts /Blouses (long or short sleeves)
  • A tie suitable for the business (male students)
  • V-neck jumpers
  • Cardigans
  • Waist coats
  • Coats for outdoor wear
  • Sensible, polishable shoes/smart boots
  • Sixth Form ID card must be worn at all times
  • Hairstyles , jewellery, nail varnish/adornment should be in line with acceptable working world practices

The following items of attire/styles are NOT acceptable:

  • Any type of denim or leather (jeans, jackets, shirts)
  • Skinny/skin tight trousers/leggings/jeggings
  • Vest tops
  • T-shirts
  • Trainers, Flip flops, Fashion boots e.g. UGGS
  • Hats/caps
  • Hooded/logo wear
  • Shorts
  • Visible tattoos
  • Non-natural hair colours (poppy red, blue, green etc.

NB. The Head of Sixth Form reserves the right to offer support and challenge to any student whose dress code does not meet the ethos set out above.